Divitha Subramanian is a nurse academic with a passion for issues relating to Nursing, education, and community. Divitha believes, strong, compassionate, and skilled Nurses are critical for Quality care in a health care setting. Nurse academics are entrusted with the role of creating learning environments that allow individuals to assimilate knowledge and skills required to create and sustain healthy communities. Divitha, graduated with her Bachelor of Nursing Degree at Christian Medical college, Vellore. She subsequently completed her master’s in nursing specialising in Critical care. Divitha’ s professional career includes experience in the health and tertiary education sectors as a clinician, clinical facilitator, and academic. Divitha is a Senior Fellow with the Higher Education Academy in the U.K. Divitha is the National coordinator for OSCE and simulation-based learning at IHM. She is a highly recognised and sought for her clinical skills, simulation, attention to detail and passion for quality work. She has been the brain behind the state of art labs for clinical skills at IHM Perth and has been instrumental in curriculum development for simulation-based learning. Her key research interest is related to learners experience in clinical education, Clinical education of Nurses. In addition, Divitha has research interests around assessments and Simulation based learning.