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Complaints and Appeals

The Institute of Health & Management (IHM) takes complaints very seriously and respects the right of students to appeal decisions that are made during academic and administrative procedures. The Student Complaints and Appeals process sets out the procedures and principles that govern how your complaint will be handled. You can also find information about making a complaint in the Student Handbook.

IHM staff will endeavour to address your needs if they are brought to their attention, so it is recommended that you discuss your complaint or grievance with a Student Support Staff. At the very least, they can give you information about how to have your complaint heard.

You will not be disadvantaged, provided your complaint is not knowingly false or vexatious. Complaints help us to improve our services.

Informal Complaints
  • Students are encouraged to resolve complaints informally with the Lecturer/ Student Support staff before making a formal complaint.
  • If unsatisfied, students are further encouraged to speak to the Course Coordinator of their enrolled course and present their complaint. The Course Coordinator will try and resolve the issue and come to a satisfactory solution.
Formal Complaints
  • Students should complete ‘Complaints and Grievances Form’ below. A hard-copy form is available at IHM campus.
  • The complaint is recorded through the Student management system and student profile. The students are informed of the outcome and will be recorded in the student portal.
  • IHM will convene a panel which will investigate the complaint and decide on a verdict. This decision is recorded and will be reviewed by the Quality Assurance team for opportunities for continuous improvement.
  • During the investigation, the complainant will be given an opportunity to formally present their case and have the option of being accompanied/ assisted by a nominee (such as a family member, friend or counsellor) if they so desire. If the students are using a paid nominee, it will be at their own cost. The nominee must present their photo ID while accompanying the student at any of the appointments at IHM
  • Students may use the Formal Appeals Process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint resolution process.
  • If the student is dissatisfied with the resolution proposed by IHM, IHM can refer students to an independent mediator; Student Mediation Scheme provided by Resolution Institute
Register a Complaint
Formal Appeals
  • Students should complete ‘Complaints and Grievances Form’ below. A hard-copy form is available at IHM campus.
  • The Appeal is recorded in the Student Complaints and Appeal in the Student management system and Student Profile. The students are informed by email of the outcome of the appeal and will be recorded in the student portal.
  • IHM will convene a panel (someone more senior and not previously involved in the case added to the panel for appeals) who will investigate the appeal and decide on a verdict.
  • The appellant will be given an opportunity to formally present their case to the panel and have the option of being accompanied/assisted by a nominee (such as a family member, friend or counsellor) if they so desire.
  • If the student is dissatisfied with the appeals process by IHM, they can access the provision of an independent mediator; Student Mediation Scheme provided by Resolution Institute.
  • For international students, if not satisfied, students may take up the complaint with OMBUDSMAN.
Register an Appeal

At the completion of the internal resolution process, if a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaint/appeal decision made by IHM, the student may wish to refer the matter to an external, independent mediator, such as:

  • The applicable state Ombudsman – VIC / NSW / WA (for domestic student complaints, depending on IHM campus location)
  • International Student Ombudsman (for International student complaints)
  • Australian Human Rights (Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or discrimination Related matters)
  • Australian Information Commission (Privacy-related matters)
  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal
  • The Tertiary Education and Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). Note: complaints can be lodged to TEQSA if they relate to education quality issues and TEQSA will determine a response to the issues on a case by case basis.
Timely Resolution

IHM must consider complaints and grievances in a timely manner, the acknowledgement of receipt of complaint must be sent within five (5) working days and the outcome of the complaint/appeal must be sent to the student within twenty (20) working days from the initial response.

IHM will take all reasonable measures to ensure that complaints are resolved within a specified and achievable timeframe.

In the case of more serious complaints, this may include measures such as calling on board or committee members to bring forward the date of their next scheduled meeting or to attend an extraordinary meeting.

Anonymous Complainants

Anonymous or unidentified complaints will be investigated at IHM’s discretion. This is dependent upon the nature of the complaint and, if there is enough information, for the investigation. IHM is not required to send a response to an anonymous or unidentified complainant.


Students who raise complaints and grievances have the right to do so in the knowledge that confidentiality will be maintained. Information about matters raised may be passed on only with the prior consent of the complainant.

In cases where it is necessary to escalate the complaint beyond the person who initially addressed the complaint, the complainant will be informed. The student has the right to decide whether to proceed.

Where a complaint is escalated to a Committee or Board, it will be tabled as a confidential item, to be disclosed only to the members of that Committee or Board and will be heard and voted upon prior to the admission of observers or those deemed to have a conflict of interest.

If the complainant remains unidentified or submits a complaint anonymously, this complaint will be investigated and acted upon at IHM’s discretion.

Student Advocacy

Welcome to the Institute of Health and Management (IHM) Student Advocacy service. Our team is committed to offering support, guidance, representation, and assistance to all IHM students across a variety of issues and challenges they might face during their academic journey.

Our Student Advocates are also on hand to liaise with IHM staff regarding complex student matters and to provide insights into institute’s policies and procedures that are relevant to student interests.

At the Institute of Health and Management, our advocacy model is rooted in pastoral care, designed to exert a positive influence on several key aspects of student life. These include engagement in learning, attendance, academic achievement, retention rates, and both psychological and social wellbeing.

An ‘Advocate’ within our institution is a staff member assigned to a group of students. These groups convene weekly to delve into matters concerning the students’ engagement with their learning environment and to identify any obstacles that may be hindering their success.

We encourage all students to familiarise themselves with the IHM Student Charter, which delineates the rights and responsibilities of every student within the Institute of Health and Management.

Guided by the IHM Independent Advocacy Service, part of our Student Life and Wellbeing protocol, our student support department are dedicated to offering confidential and independent support to students, adhering to the guidelines set forth by the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Our advocacy approach is not solely focused on academic success; it also places a significant emphasis on the wellbeing of our students. During these weekly sessions, topics covered may include:

  • Positive Education/Positive Psychology: Fostering an environment that promotes a positive mindset and psychological resilience among students.
  • Goal Setting, Study Skills, Time Management: Equipping students with the tools and strategies to effectively plan and achieve their academic and personal goals.
  • Resilience: Building the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; a crucial skill in both academic and personal spheres.
  • Respectful Relationships: Encouraging healthy and respectful interactions within the academic community and beyond.
  • Student Attendance and Retention: Addressing factors that contribute to regular attendance and sustained engagement with the Institute.
  • General Engagement in Learning and Academic Achievement: Enhancing motivation and commitment to learning, leading to improved academic outcomes.
  • Psychological and Social Wellbeing: Supporting the overall mental and social health of students, recognising its importance for academic success.
  • Career Guidance: Offering advice and resources to help students navigate their future career paths and make informed decisions about their professional lives.

Our advocacy service aims to create a supportive and nurturing environment that recognises and addresses the diverse needs of our students, ensuring they have the support they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Mental Wellbeing

For more support regarding student’s mental health wellbeing services please refer to:

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