Posted on 19th October, 2022
7 Minutes read
How to Pass the OSCE in your First Attempt
Need to boost your self-assurance for the next Objective Structured Clinical Examination?
It is determined whether or not Internationally Qualified Nurses and Midwives (IQNM) have the same level of knowledge, skills, and competence as Australian Nurses and Midwives via an OSCE, which is an objective organised clinical test that is also a behavioural evaluation. Those who have already completed the NCLEX-RN Multiple Choice Exam are the only ones eligible to take the NCLEX-RN Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). They may pay the fee and sign up for OSCE right from their dashboard. There is an AUD 4,000 registration cost for each test sitting for the OSCE, which is submitted to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
You may put all your worries to rest. We’ve compiled a list of some dos and don’ts to help you ace the OSCE the first time around.
- Be specific and avoid giving generic explanations: At certain stations, the candidate will be asked to provide advice or information that is specific to the patient’s situation. Be sure to not overlook the significance of these stops. Try to avoid making broad claims when proving your competence as a medical practitioner requires specifics.
- Be sure to pay close attention to what the patient is saying: In several OSCEs, the standardised patients have complained that the candidates weren’t paying much attention to them and thereby missed crucial information. Investigate further if the patient’s response is ambiguous and the issue is urgent.
- Follow the guidelines carefully: Make sure you have a firm grasp of the assignment and the patient’s condition. If you do as the instructions say, you won’t have much of a job to do. If you are asked to take a certain kind of history, for instance, you will only get credit for doing so if you do it in a clinically acceptable way. If your assignment is to obtain a patient history, you will not earn any points for advising the patient.
- Maintain effective communication with your patient: Avoid bombarding the patient with questions in an effort to fill out the Physician Examiner’s form. Your strategy should be well-coordinated and brief, and it must be built on a multidisciplinary diagnosis or the steps leading up to one.
- Just keep your mouth shut: It is inappropriate to demonstrate superior theoretical knowledge during OSCE. Examinees must focus on how well candidates can interact with patients, rather than how well they can quote teaching materials to the examiner. The way you act towards the patient says a lot about how you feel about them. Don’t come across as arrogant or forceful.
- Never presume the examiner can read your thoughts: In order to get recognition for some procedures during a physical examination, you must first inform the examiner that you want to do such a manoeuvre and specify what information you hope to disclose. You tell the examiner which tests to run and what to look for, and then they report back to you with their results. You tell the examiner which tests to run and what to look for, and then they report their results to you.
- Try to be efficient with your time: Due to time constraints in OSCE stations, effective time management is essential.
OSCE can appear to be extremely difficult and stressful, but with enough practise and preparation, you should be able to succeed. I hope these suggestions are helpful and make you feel less concerned. Believe in yourself.